Smithers: Market report of global nonwoven wi...

Market report of global nonwoven wipes to 2025

(Source: Smithers)
(Source: Smithers)

Nonwovens in general and nonwovens wipes specifically, have been impacted much less negatively than many other industries as a result of the worldwide Covid-19 pandemic.

In 2020, the global nonwovens wipe market consumed 1.4 million tons of nonwovens, and is valued at $19.6 billion. The market is set to experience slightly higher than historical growth rates, with forecasts showing a consumption of 2 million tons and a value of $26.1 billion by 2025.
Smithers' new market report - The Future of Global Nonwoven Wipes to 2025 (prize: US$ 6,500) provides current and future market forecasts, as well as a critical examination of the impact of Covid-19 on the wipes industry, the key drivers and trends driving development.

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